Kim Darroch



Lord Darroch is a highly respected international diplomat with a successful career in which he has personal experience of dealing with world leaders including Presidents Putin of Russia and Xi of China.   

He has had a 45 year career in international diplomacy, culminating in postings as Europe Adviser to Prime Minister Tony Blair from 2004-2007, British Ambassador to the European Union from 2007-2011, UK National Security Adviser from 2012-2015 and British Ambassador to the United States from 2016-2019.

During his career he spent 15 years specialising on Britain’s relations with Europe; he participated in several meetings with Vladimir Putin, and meetings with Presidents Obama and Trump, President Xi of China, Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel, and many European and; global leaders. 

Lord Darroch visited Israel and Gaza several times as well as travelling widely elsewhere in the Middle East; he visited Ukraine several times after the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014; and travelled extensively in Asia. He writes regularly in the national media and appears frequently on the news media bringing unparalleled experience to the analysis of global events and the assessment of what happens next.

Anyone who has to make business, investment or personal decisions based on a judgement about the likely future course of international events. And anyone with a broad interest in International affairs will find Lord Darroch's experience invaluable.

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