Carl Miller



Carl speaks to audiences around the world about what the digital revolution really means to them and how they can keep ahead of it! He draws together immersive first-hand reporting from around the world with data and evidence to describe how every single aspect of our lives are changing in often unseen yet important ways.

In all his keynotes, Carl draws on his decade of experience researching the digital world. He is the author of over a dozen major reports, including on the influence of the internet on radicalisation, policing and counter-terrorism, hate crime and social media, conspiracy theories, digital democracy, and changing identities and beliefs in the digital world.

Carl has spent time with police cyber-crime teams, interviewed cyber-criminals, visited information warfare officers, spoken with fake news merchants, presidents, spies and digital ministers. He has teamed up with investigative journalists to investigate shadowy protocols, and with dark net investigators to uncover online assassination markets.

Some of his Keynote speeches include:

The Hidden Reality of Power Today. How the most precious commodity of the digital age is being fought over, won, lost and transformed. From politics to journalism, business to crime, Carl will talk about his year-long journey to track down the real trends in power today: where it has gone, the shape it now takes.

Risk and Volatility in the Digital Age. Whether it is a crisis of law enforcement or the production of fake news, enormous disruptions to markets or the undermining of political systems, Carl will explain the important, and often hidden risks that digital technologies have created.

Digital Crime and Cyber Security. Carl draws on going on a cyber-crime raid with the police, going to the largest annual gathering of hackers in Las Vegas, and even trying to do some cyber-crime himself to show how we're all living through an extraordinary moment: the worst crisis of law enforcement in the history of modern policing.

How to Win the Digital Revolution. From hackers to cyber-criminals, citizen journalists to fake news merchants, information warriors to digital presidents, what are the lessons that we can all learn from those on the front-lines of the digital revolution?  

He is also comfortable and experienced delivering all his topics virtually and as webinars.

If you'd like to watch Carl’s current keynote on “Disinfection and exploitation in the face of Covid-19 and what you do to fight back?” check it out here on our Speaker Taster Sessions page here:

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